Declaration of Belém Do Pará: A Roadmap to Save the Amazonia
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Declaration of Belém Do Pará: A Roadmap to Save the Amazonia

On Tuesday, August 8, the Amazonia Summit and the IV Presidential Meeting of the member countries of the Amazonia Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) began in Brazil. As the first contribution of the Summit, the Declaration of Belém Do Pará was issued.

Antiwar Resistance Within the Military During the Vietnam War
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Antiwar Resistance Within the Military During the Vietnam War

This article, first published on October 17, 2017 by the Vietnam Peace Commemoration Committee, seeks to tell the truth and learn the lessons of the US war in Indochina, and of the broad, diverse protest movement that ended the war.

The EU-Indonesia Fight Over Nickel and Who Gets to Own the Clean Energy Future
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The EU-Indonesia Fight Over Nickel and Who Gets to Own the Clean Energy Future

Indonesia boasts some of the world’s richest mineral deposits, but it has long focused on digging them up and shipping them to other countries for processing. The government in Jakarta is now trying to change that, but is facing fierce resistance from the West.

They Lied About Afghanistan. They Lied About Iraq. And They are Lying About Ukraine
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They Lied About Afghanistan. They Lied About Iraq. And They are Lying About Ukraine

The proxy war in Ukraine is designed to serve U.S. interests. It enriches the weapons manufacturers, weakens the Russian military and isolates Russia from Europe. What happens to Ukraine is irrelevant.

“Hide Nothing from The Masses; Tell No Lies”—Some Lessons from Amilcar Cabral

“Hide Nothing from The Masses; Tell No Lies”—Some Lessons from Amilcar Cabral

Many of the political parties that led their countries towards the attainment of political independence in Africa have betrayed the principles that guided them. But, not all hope is lost. We can draw inspiration for a better future for Africa from the immortal revolutionary Amilcar Cabral.