“Hide Nothing from The Masses; Tell No Lies”—Some Lessons from Amilcar Cabral

“Hide Nothing from The Masses; Tell No Lies”—Some Lessons from Amilcar Cabral

Many of the political parties that led their countries towards the attainment of political independence in Africa have betrayed the principles that guided them. But, not all hope is lost. We can draw inspiration for a better future for Africa from the immortal revolutionary Amilcar Cabral.

Barack Obama is a War Criminal Whose Crimes Against Humanity Must Be Punished
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Barack Obama is a War Criminal Whose Crimes Against Humanity Must Be Punished

Barack Obama is often presented as a moral political leader whose historic ascendancy to the U.S. presidency as the first black president is a feat to behold. Yet he was a brutal war criminal who murdered thousands of innocent lives under America’s obsolete war against terror.