An Interview with Michael A. Lebowitz on Capital, “Real Socialism,” and Venezuela
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An Interview with Michael A. Lebowitz on Capital, “Real Socialism,” and Venezuela

Venezuela has demonstrated some general principles: firstly, that you do need power to change the world and, secondly, that you change that world by using the old state to create the conditions by which people develop their capacities and build the new state from below.

Laos: Building Socialism from Scratch After Colonialism and Imperialist War
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Laos: Building Socialism from Scratch After Colonialism and Imperialist War

When it comes to countries in Asia building socialism, not too many think of Laos. This mountainous country sits in the center of Southeast Asia and has lived through French and Japanese colonialism, civil war, and years of military attacks by the United States.

A Socialist Survival Tactic: Cuba’s Worker Parliaments
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A Socialist Survival Tactic: Cuba’s Worker Parliaments

Following the collapse of the USSR and European socialism roughly 35 years ago, the US sought to crush Cuba through a merciless blockade. Cuba turned this dangerous situation around, thanks to the efforts of committed revolutionaries like Pedro Ross, who helped found the workers’ parliaments.

Cuba Keeps Sending ‘Doctors, not Bombs’ All Across the World; Also: Cuba, Between Dreams and Realities
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Cuba Keeps Sending ‘Doctors, not Bombs’ All Across the World; Also: Cuba, Between Dreams and Realities

Amongst the successes of the Cuban Revolution is Cuba’s unequaled solidarity with the world. Fidel’s “doctors, not bombs” speech implicitly contrasted his country with the US, which is by far the world’s largest arms supplier while helping less and less with humanitarian aid.