Developmentalism Versus Ecosocialism
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Developmentalism Versus Ecosocialism

Transcript of a conversation with two ancestors: Livio Rangel, a lifelong organizer and educator from Venezuela, and Joel Kovel from the USA, co-author of the Ecosocialist Manifesto. The conversation seeks to build a partnership in the belly of the beast with the revolutionary ecosocialist movements of the global South.

Brasilia Summit: Lula and Maduro Reboot Regional Integration – 2 Articles
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Brasilia Summit: Lula and Maduro Reboot Regional Integration – 2 Articles

In a blow to US hegemony, the revival of Unasur at a summit of 13 Latin American leaders demonstrates the region’s shift back to the left and the rehabilitation of Venezuela. Also: “South America Is Back, and Venezuela Is Helping Lead the Way”.

People First: Cuba’s State Plan to Confront Climate Change
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People First: Cuba’s State Plan to Confront Climate Change

In 2017, the Cuban government approved the ‘State Plan to Confront Climate Change’, known in Cuba as ‘Tarea Vida’ (Life Task). With a projection up to the year 2100, ‘Tarea Vida’ is the world’s only truly long-term state plan to address climate change.

A French Spring: An Interview on the Mass Uprising Against Pension Reform
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A French Spring: An Interview on the Mass Uprising Against Pension Reform

The mass uprising against French President Macron’s pension reforms has been historic. The undemocratic and repressive methods of the government have called into question the legitimacy of the Macron government and the French state. An interview with Sylvestre Jaffard about the dynamics.