The French Working Class Organizes to Defeat Macron’s Pension Reforms
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The French Working Class Organizes to Defeat Macron’s Pension Reforms

On January 10, all the major trade unions in France gave a joint call for protests against the proposals for pension reforms announced by the Macron-led government. Youth groups, including the Young Communist Movement of France, have also called for protests against the reforms.

Twenty-Two Years of Austerity in Timor-Leste: The IMF and Rebuilding the Neoliberal State from Scratch
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Twenty-Two Years of Austerity in Timor-Leste: The IMF and Rebuilding the Neoliberal State from Scratch

Timor-Leste represents a new case in the dawn of the twenty-first century on how the IMF imposed a top-down neoliberal macroeconomic infrastructure and reform project from scratch.

Our Survival Depends on a World Without Billionaires
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Our Survival Depends on a World Without Billionaires

A recent report from Oxfam points the finger at the wealthiest individuals for causing climate change through their individual carbon footprints as well as their investments in polluting industries. But what is missing from this report is that the system of capitalism is the root cause.

Workers Suffer High Levels of Stress and Alienation; and Workplace Accidents – 3 Articles
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Workers Suffer High Levels of Stress and Alienation; and Workplace Accidents – 3 Articles

Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace Report 2022 reveals high levels of alienation and stress faced by workers; 120 million occupational accidents, of which 2.1 lakh are fatal accidents, occur annually at workplaces worldwide; Also: WHO-ILO Report: Work-related Causes Kill 2 Million People Globally Each Year.

What Took Them So Long? New York Times, Guardian Finally Call for Assange’s Freedom

What Took Them So Long? New York Times, Guardian Finally Call for Assange’s Freedom

If the five international media outlets, in a major about-face, now explicitly oppose the persecution of Assange, it is out of concern that a show trial of a journalist who exposed US war crimes will spark a major political crisis for the Biden administration.