Towards Universal Health Coverage? Taking Stock of Two Decades of Health Reforms in India

Towards Universal Health Coverage? Taking Stock of Two Decades of Health Reforms in India

A survey of reforms in health policies in India over the past two decades – actually a string of privatisation policies – indicates that we have moved away from and not towards Universal Health Coverage. What then needs to be done?

2021: A Crucial Year for Nicaragua
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2021: A Crucial Year for Nicaragua

2021 is a crucial year for Nicaragua, with national elections due in November. With Biden coming to power, will the US administration continue its attempts to sabotage the elections? And can Nicaragua once again defend its sovereignty against US and other foreign interference?

The Climate Crisis Keeps Getting Worse – And It Is Doing So at an Accelerating Rate: Four Articles
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The Climate Crisis Keeps Getting Worse – And It Is Doing So at an Accelerating Rate: Four Articles

Top scientists warn of ‘ghastly future of mass extinction’ and climate disruption; New study shows Earth now warmer than any time in last 12,000 years; Global ice melt accelerating at record rate; Florida professor predicts Amazon rainforest collapse by 2064.