Our Survival Depends on a World Without Billionaires
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Our Survival Depends on a World Without Billionaires

A recent report from Oxfam points the finger at the wealthiest individuals for causing climate change through their individual carbon footprints as well as their investments in polluting industries. But what is missing from this report is that the system of capitalism is the root cause.

Periyar Ignored? Dravidian Anti-Brahminical Polity ‘Failed to Uphold’ Women’s Rights
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Periyar Ignored? Dravidian Anti-Brahminical Polity ‘Failed to Uphold’ Women’s Rights

Can “annihilation of caste” also break the oppressive shackles of women? A recent lecture by V Geetha, eminent feminist writer and social historian, suggests there is no such one-to-one relationship between the two.

Surrounded: An Ethnography of New Colonialism

Surrounded: An Ethnography of New Colonialism

A recent study put the pillage of Africa at $152 trillion dollars lost between 1960-2010 from just unequal exchange. Yet why are Africans content to celebrate small things such as black faces in office, some native capitalists, associations with former colonisers, football, and the penetration of European consumer ostentation?

Seeking Relief from Oppression, Peruvians Resist Castillo Removal and Wait

Seeking Relief from Oppression, Peruvians Resist Castillo Removal and Wait

Peru’s rightwing-dominated Congress has removed President Castillo from office. He has been arrested and is now in prison. Ordinary Peruvians have mobilized throughout Peru, blockaded over 100 highways, occupied five airports, and held rallies in various cities, protesting against his removal.

The World Cup Isn’t Over Yet, But Palestine Has Already Won
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The World Cup Isn’t Over Yet, But Palestine Has Already Won

As the World Cup enters its final 10 days, one can only guess who will take home the trophy. But what can be said for certain, is that there’s one nation that has won people’s hearts, and captivated the world’s attention like no other – and their team isn’t even playing. And that is Palestine.