The World Must Pay Attention to the Violence Against Muslims in India
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The World Must Pay Attention to the Violence Against Muslims in India

Recent incidents in Indore and Ajmer explain why it is urgent for the global community to tell the Indian government that its actions are being watched and it will be held accountable according to international norms which all civilised countries have for their attitude towards minorities.

The Original Sin and Continuous Crimes of America’s Involvement in Afghanistan
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The Original Sin and Continuous Crimes of America’s Involvement in Afghanistan

A 40-year chapter of American involvement has come to an end. But we need to understand how we got here, or else we will simply be waiting for the next monstrous, long-running atrocity to arise, with the same rationalizations of Liberty and Freedom that our leaders have used to cover up their deliberate policies of mass murder, war profiteering and corruption.

The Roaming of Colonial Phantoms and a History of Resource Plunder
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The Roaming of Colonial Phantoms and a History of Resource Plunder

Both the strengths and limitations of early post-independence policies in Africa offer a wealth of lessons for today’s struggles for control over Africa’s resources. The clarity in that period around the importance of African state control over natural resources offers a path forward for contemporary efforts.