Us and Them

Us and Them

A left-populist strategy recognizes that society is inherently divided and insists on the partisan nature of politics. In this sense it accords with the Marxian approach, but it differs in the way the frontier is constructed – the the populist frontier is not constructed on a class basis.

Breaking the Influence of International Capital in Africa – an Interview with Japhace Poncian

Breaking the Influence of International Capital in Africa – an Interview with Japhace Poncian

Japhace talks about the crippling influence of international capital on the continent, resource nationalism, and the need for Africa to break its dependence from foreign direct investment and technology and to harness its own resources.

British Prime Minister Liz Truss Resigns – a Revolutionary Crisis for British Imperialism

British Prime Minister Liz Truss Resigns – a Revolutionary Crisis for British Imperialism

UK Prime Minister Liz Truss’s resignation after just 45 days in office, is the result of the enormous international and internal pressures on British imperialism, amid a war with Russia threatening to go nuclear and an unprecedented collapse in living standards.

It’s a Clean Sweep! Not One Country Guarantees Workers’ Rights
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It’s a Clean Sweep! Not One Country Guarantees Workers’ Rights

Past annual Global Rights Index reports issued by the International Trade Union Confederation have invariably shown that there is no country on Earth that fully protects workers’ rights and the 2022 edition is not only not an exception but finds that repression of labor organizing is increasing.