Exporting Oppression: Israel’s Profitable Arms Industry
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Exporting Oppression: Israel’s Profitable Arms Industry

Israel is one of the world’s most militarized and securitized countries. It is also the eighth largest arms exporter in the world. Through its arms exports, Israel is shaping the coercive dimensions of states everywhere, bringing the politics and methodology of occupation to its allies abroad.

Legacies of Definancialization and Defending Real Economy in China
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Legacies of Definancialization and Defending Real Economy in China

China has integrated itself into the world economy and to a certain degree into Western-dominated financial institutions since the 1970s. However, it has never relinquished capital controls and its financial opening is comparatively limited.

Louise Michel: the Revolutionary Woman Who Led the Paris Commune
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Louise Michel: the Revolutionary Woman Who Led the Paris Commune

Of all the women who actively participated in the Paris Commune, including prominent political thinkers and organisers, such as Elizabeth Dmitrieff, Andre Leo, and Nathalie Lemel, the name which is remembered most in association with the Commune is that of Louise Michel.

Brazil Rallies Against Bolsonaro as He Faces Court-Ordered Criminal Probe in ‘CovaxinGate’
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Brazil Rallies Against Bolsonaro as He Faces Court-Ordered Criminal Probe in ‘CovaxinGate’

A day after a judge of the Supreme Federal Court ordered a criminal investigation against Jair Bolsonaro in the Covaxin scandal, hundreds of thousands of Brazilians took to the streets in 350 cities and towns to protest against the government and demand that the president be impeached.

Can Humanity Prevent War from Ever Happening Again?
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Can Humanity Prevent War from Ever Happening Again?

While conflict and war have written much of modern human history, they offer an incomplete narrative. Anthropological evidence suggests war is not innate to humanity. An interview with Doug P. Fry about his work studying peace systems and their potentially global implications.