200th Anniversary of the Decisive Battle of Carabobo; Plus: Manifesto Issued by Peoples’ Organisations

200th Anniversary of the Decisive Battle of Carabobo; Plus: Manifesto Issued by Peoples’ Organisations

June 24, 2021 will be the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Carabobo in which Simón Bolívar’s patriotic forces won a resounding victory that effectively ended 300 years of colonial dominance by Spain; also: Manifesto issued by the Bicentennial Congress of the Peoples of the World held in Venezuela to mark the occasion.

A Simmering Revolution, Stories Untold, a Military Crackdown: Myanmar
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A Simmering Revolution, Stories Untold, a Military Crackdown: Myanmar

Young journalists are staking their lives to report from the underground, hounded doctors are setting up secret clinics, urban guerillas have emerged in cities, and youngsters are moving into border areas to join armed guerilla armies. Yet, why are India and the world so silent on the coup in Myanmar?

UN General Assembly Once More Denounces US Blockade of Cuba
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UN General Assembly Once More Denounces US Blockade of Cuba

The UN General Assembly on June 23 overwhelmingly approved a Cuban resolution condemning the U.S. economic, commercial, and financial blockade of Cuba, in place for 60 years; 184 nations approved; two opposed, Israel and the USA; and three abstained, Colombia, Ukraine, and Brazil.

Socialism Gaining Increasing Support in USA – Two Articles
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Socialism Gaining Increasing Support in USA – Two Articles

An online poll in the USA found that capitalism is particularly unpopular among 18 to 24-year-olds, with negative views outweighing positive views by a margin of 54% to 42%; Buffalo and Cleveland have become battlegrounds between progressive activists and establishment forces.