Global Warming Impacting Arctic and Antarctic; Permafrost Also Melting: Earth on Cusp of Catastrophe – Three Articles
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Global Warming Impacting Arctic and Antarctic; Permafrost Also Melting: Earth on Cusp of Catastrophe – Three Articles

2021 Arctic Report Card Tells a Human Story of Cascading Climate Disruption; What if the Doomsday Glacier Collapses?; Climate Crisis at the Top of the World: Global Orders and Catastrophic Change.

The Judicial Kidnapping of Julian Assange
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The Judicial Kidnapping of Julian Assange

“Let us look at ourselves, if we have the courage, to see what is happening to us.” These words of Jean-Paul Sartre should echo in all our minds following the grotesque decision of Britain’s High Court to extradite Julian Assange to the United States where he faces “a living death”. This is his punishment for the crime of authentic, accurate, courageous, vital journalism.

The Fierce Determination of Ordinary People to Build an Extraordinary World
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The Fierce Determination of Ordinary People to Build an Extraordinary World

United States President Joe Biden has suborned 111 countries to attend his Summit for Democracy on December 9–10, ending on Human Rights Day. In the name of democracy, the U.S. government is pushing its own agenda to consolidate power and further its national interests.

High Court Delivers ‘Victory’ for Rights of Nature Movement in Ecuador
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High Court Delivers ‘Victory’ for Rights of Nature Movement in Ecuador

On December 1, the Constitutional Court of Ecuador ruled that mining in a protected forest violates the rights of nature established by the nation’s constitution.

Nuns Against Nuclear Weapons: Plowshares Protesters have Fought for Disarmament for Over 40 Years, Going to Prison for Peace
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Nuns Against Nuclear Weapons: Plowshares Protesters have Fought for Disarmament for Over 40 Years, Going to Prison for Peace

Since 1980, there have been over 100 actions in support of nuclear disarmament by Plowshare nuns in the U.S., the U.K. and Europe. The name comes from the Bible: “They shall beat their swords into plowshares … nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.”

U.S. Shouldn’t Be Invited to Summit for Democracy, Let Alone Be its Host
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U.S. Shouldn’t Be Invited to Summit for Democracy, Let Alone Be its Host

While opting to snub Russia and China from the summit, the US has invited many countries which can hardly be classified as democratic: from apartheid Israel, to Brazil, whose leader Jair Bolsonaro this summer declared that “only God can oust me.”

Edward Bernays: Propaganda and the U.S.-Backed 1954 Guatemalan Coup
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Edward Bernays: Propaganda and the U.S.-Backed 1954 Guatemalan Coup

Whether selling cigarettes or deposing world leaders, Edward Bernays molded reality like clay. In his hands, words spun like so many hollow jars. However, the one constant, the one truth among his many distortions, is that Bernays had no use for the truth.

The Ukraine: The USA Is Responsible for the Escalation, and Must Stop it Before Provoking a World War
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The Ukraine: The USA Is Responsible for the Escalation, and Must Stop it Before Provoking a World War

The particular and very dangerous form of the present-day “Ukrainian crisis” has arisen as a result of the way in which the USSR was destroyed; and of the coup engineered by Nuland, Brenner and Pyatt in Kiev, back in 2014.