Zelensky Rubbishes Biden’s War on Russia
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Zelensky Rubbishes Biden’s War on Russia

News has appeared that Ukrainian President Zelensky has conceded that he is willing to concede to the Russian demand that his country will not seek to become a member of NATO. If it is so easy to work out a compromise over Russia’s legitimate security demands, why was Biden so very stubborn in his refusal to even discuss it, given the urgency of the matter?

War Torn: Continental Drifters and the Nationless Nation
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War Torn: Continental Drifters and the Nationless Nation

The number of people displaced by war, general violence, or human-rights violations last year swelled to a staggering 84 million, according to the United Nations Refugee Agency. If they formed their own country, it would be the 17th largest in the world, slightly bigger than Iran or Germany.

Anatomy of a Propaganda Campaign: Jeremy Corbyn’s Political Assassination
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Anatomy of a Propaganda Campaign: Jeremy Corbyn’s Political Assassination

Jeremy Corbyn, the former leader of the British Labour Party, was subjected to a concerted propaganda campaign by the British right-wing military-industrial establishment, which regarded him as a threat to its interests. This article dissects various aspects of this campaign.

On the Recent Events in the Ukraine
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On the Recent Events in the Ukraine

While Putin’s actions are a reaction to the events of the past three decades, they do not justify the invasion of Ukraine. Neither is the resurrection of the institutions of global militarism (such as NATO) justified, that have contributed so much to the creation of the problem. The popular movement for peace needs to be rekindled.

Nepal Approves US’ Millennium Challenge Corporation Grant Amid Protests. What’s Next?

Nepal Approves US’ Millennium Challenge Corporation Grant Amid Protests. What’s Next?

Finally, the Nepali parliament has ratified the USD 500 million grant deal with US agency Millennium Challenge Corporation. This was preceded by massive protests by political parties that are opposing the government’s deal, viewing it as a threat to Nepal’s sovereignty.