Wikileaks’ Invaluable Contributions to Journalism and People’s Movements
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Wikileaks’ Invaluable Contributions to Journalism and People’s Movements

What crime could the journalist Assange have committed that would warrant confinement for the past nearly 10 years? His organization Wikileaks published millions of leaked documents that pointed to gross violations of human rights during the U.S.’ numerous wars abroad.

The United States of Hypocrisy: Revisiting the Monroe Doctrine
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The United States of Hypocrisy: Revisiting the Monroe Doctrine

In refusing to acknowledge Russia’s concerns about U.S. and Western intervention on its borders, the Biden administration is engaging in hypocrisy. Lying to others is part of the political game, but the United States is lying to itself in denying that it committed to limit NATO’s role in East Europe.

Solidarity Forged from Slave Chains
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Solidarity Forged from Slave Chains

When studying history, we must always remember that it is the victors that write history. It is the duty, therefore, of every socialist to tell it like it was, and is, at every opportunity. In the battle of ideas that we wage against the ruling class, we must not concede them one inch in interpreting the past.

Why Wouldn’t Biden Grant Clemency to Leonard Peltier?
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Why Wouldn’t Biden Grant Clemency to Leonard Peltier?

The 77-year-old Native American political prisoner Leonard Peltier has been in prison for over 46 years. His freedom has been a permanent demand of a movement since the first day of his unfair incarceration. This includes former prosecutor James Reynolds, who has acknowledged that he was part of a rigged trial.

The Re-Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
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The Re-Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

The veneration of King has not included any significant or serious effort by U.S. policymakers, social commentators, and moral leaders—including Baptist clergy, laity, associations, denominations, and educational institutions—to embrace the “radical revolution of values” King had called for.