India’s Poor are Eating into Their Savings, Thanks to High Inflation and COVID-19
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India’s Poor are Eating into Their Savings, Thanks to High Inflation and COVID-19

Rising inflation is forcing millions of households in India to cut back on food and dip into their savings for essentials. This could wipe out gross household savings, hampering future economic recovery because households would have no money to spend.

Why India Must Oppose Dumping of Radioactive Water from Fukushima into the Pacific
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Why India Must Oppose Dumping of Radioactive Water from Fukushima into the Pacific

Next year, the operator of the tsunami-hit Fukushima nuclear plant would start releasing radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean. Several nations are up in arms against it, but Indian authorities are silent. A discussion about what is at stake for people and the environment.

Fundamentalists Make Hay While the Sun Shines
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Fundamentalists Make Hay While the Sun Shines

Perhaps, the rulers and administrators manning the State machinery, haven’t heard this verse of Baba Farid Shakarganj (1173-1265 AD): “Farid, the earth questioned the sky, Where are the mighty captains gone? / In their grave they rot, was the reply / And rebuked for tasks not done.”