Revival or Continuing Depression in the Rural Areas? – Pt. I
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Revival or Continuing Depression in the Rural Areas? – Pt. I

While agricultural output is said to be doing well, that does not mean those who work in agriculture, i.e., peasants and agricultural labourers, are doing well. As a larger number of people desperately looked for ways to earn a living, the income per person working in agriculture actually declined.

Electricity Amendment Act: Government Experiments with Physics of the Impossible
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Electricity Amendment Act: Government Experiments with Physics of the Impossible

Separating electricity from the wires that transmit is a crazy dream of a few market fundamentalists. The Modi government is attempting this failed policy again, and state-owned distribution companies and consumers will suffer.

Internal Papers Reveal Facebook Put Profits Before People, Wavered in Checking Hate Speech in India – Two Articles
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Internal Papers Reveal Facebook Put Profits Before People, Wavered in Checking Hate Speech in India – Two Articles

2 articles: Profits Before People: The Facebook Papers Expose Tech Giant Greed; and: Internal Documents Show Facebook Wavered in Checking Misinformation, Hate Speech in India: Report.

Current Power Cuts Due to Criminal Negligence in Government’s Planning

Current Power Cuts Due to Criminal Negligence in Government’s Planning

The coal shortage in the country is entirely the result of criminal negligence by the Modi Government. By extension, it is going to lead to higher electricity prices; it will also increase already extant energy inflation caused by high petrol and diesel prices.

Behind the Modi Government’s Doublespeak on Ladakh, a Refusal to Acknowledge Reality
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Behind the Modi Government’s Doublespeak on Ladakh, a Refusal to Acknowledge Reality

The Chinese know where they are and what they did. The government of India and the Army, too, are, hopefully, wiser after the event. The only ones who do not yet clearly know what transpired are the people of India.