The Future of Sea Level Rise with Professor Peter Wadhams
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The Future of Sea Level Rise with Professor Peter Wadhams

The outlook for sea level rise has never been more pertinent and never so threatening. Global warming is running so far ahead of schedule, the dreaded +1.5°C pre-industrial already knocking on the door, as science consistently plays catchup, and sea level rise is one threat that may be on deck much sooner than anybody thought possible.

As Climate Change Supercharges Disease, Trump Pulls US from WHO
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As Climate Change Supercharges Disease, Trump Pulls US from WHO

This will effectively silo U.S. public health agencies from their international counterparts and sever the American public, health providers, and research hubs from information about infectious diseases, budding epidemics, and even outbreaks of foodborne and waterborne illnesses.

The Ocean Surface Is Warming Four Times Faster Than in the 1980s – 3 Articles
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The Ocean Surface Is Warming Four Times Faster Than in the 1980s – 3 Articles

“The Ocean Surface Is Warming Four Times Faster Than in the 1980s”; “We Have Entered the Era of Global Boiling: Marine Wildlife, Ecosystems, and Economies Are Being Devastated”; and: “Killing The Great Barrier Reef”.