Protests in Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir – 2 Articles
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Protests in Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir – 2 Articles

Violent protests erupted in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir over rising costs of food, fuel and essential utilities. There is growing discontent over the perceived discrimination by the federal government in Islamabad. Also: Interview with Justice (retd) Syed Manzoor Hussain Gillani.

Nakba Resurrected – How the Gaza Resistance Ended Segmentation of Palestine
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Nakba Resurrected – How the Gaza Resistance Ended Segmentation of Palestine

The segmentation of Palestinian history resulting from Oslo is quickly disappearing in favor of a wholesome approach to justice in Palestine. Though Washington and a few of its western allies insist on returning to the status quo of endless negotiations, others are no longer beholden to that kind of stifling, self-serving discourse.

For Many American Jews Protesting for Palestinians, Activism is a Journey Rooted in Their Jewish Values
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For Many American Jews Protesting for Palestinians, Activism is a Journey Rooted in Their Jewish Values

U.S. Jews’ involvement in Palestinian solidarity movements began years before the current war. The author says that during her research, which included in-depth interviews and participant observation work, activists emphasized that they were inspired to act because of their Jewish identity and values, not in spite of them.

Capitalism Attacks Argentine Workers and You May Be Next
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Capitalism Attacks Argentine Workers and You May Be Next

Regardless of what country we live in, we all have a stake in the Argentine people’s success in fighting off the Milei austerity package. If a country with one of the most militant working classes can have extreme austerity imposed on them, similar offensives will soon be on the way elsewhere.

The IMF and Class Struggle in Latin America: Unveiling the Role of the IMF
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The IMF and Class Struggle in Latin America: Unveiling the Role of the IMF

The International Monetary Fund claims to aim for a world of prosperity through so-called free trade. In Latin America, the IMF has contributed to the impoverishment of the working class and destruction of these countries’ ecological legacies. What does the future hold for the IMF in Latin America?

The New Cold War Is Sending Tremors Through Northeast Asia
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The New Cold War Is Sending Tremors Through Northeast Asia

The U.S.-led New Cold War against China is destabilising Northeast Asia along the region’s historic fault lines as part of a broader militarisation campaign that extends from Japan and South Korea, through the Taiwan Strait and the Philippines, all the way to Australia and the Pacific Islands.