SC Decision on EWS Reservations Strikes at Basic Structure of Constitution
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SC Decision on EWS Reservations Strikes at Basic Structure of Constitution

The People’s Union for Civil Liberates (PUCL), India’s premier human rights organisation, has said that the Supreme Court judgement, upholding reservation for the Economically Weaker Sections (EWS), strikes at the “basic structure of the Constitution”.

Why Is There No Upper Caste Outcry When Merit Goes for a Toss in the EWS Quota?
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Why Is There No Upper Caste Outcry When Merit Goes for a Toss in the EWS Quota?

For centuries, those who have reserved all the opportunities for themselves have started considering their talent as natural. They do not realise the injustice and tyranny hidden within the social structure which makes them owners of merit by robbing others of their merit.

PMFBY Allows Big Businesses to Profiteer at the Cost of the Farmers
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PMFBY Allows Big Businesses to Profiteer at the Cost of the Farmers

The total premium paid under PMFBY by the Centre, the States and the farmers to insurance companies during the last 5 years was Rs 1,26,521 crore, whereas the insurance companies paid only Rs 87,320 crore to the farmers towards settlement of claims.

Cop27: The Dirty Secret Europe Is Hiding at the Climate Summit

Cop27: The Dirty Secret Europe Is Hiding at the Climate Summit

Whatever grand declarations they issue as the summit in Sharm el-Sheikh concludes this week, the reality is that European states effectively tied their hands for the foreseeable future by ratifying the Energy Charter Treaty back in the 1990s. That prevents them from cutting emissions.

Qatar 2022: Sporting Values Built on Bloodied Sand – Two Articles
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Qatar 2022: Sporting Values Built on Bloodied Sand – Two Articles

The horrific conditions faced by workers for the World Cup in Qatar shows business priorities overwhelm the sport. Also: interview with Hiba Zayadin, Gulf researcher at Human Rights Watch, to get a better understanding of the issues involved.