
Saluting Zakia Jafri; Remembering the Gujarat Carnage 2002

On 1 February 2025, Zakiaben was called to her eternal reward. In her death, the people of India have lost a great soul. She suffered much since that fateful day, when her dear husband Ehsan Jafri was brutally murdered. Since then, she fought relentlessly for justice not merely for herself but all women and other victims of an unjust and violent system.

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Uttarakhand’s Uniform Civil Code – 3 Articles

The Uniform Civil Code in Uttarakhand promotes state control in personal relationships, including marriages, divorces, matrimonial disputes, and live-in relationships, as well as in matters of succession and inheritance. Also: ‘Live-in Relationships and the War Against Women’s Agency’; and: ‘Why This Live-In Couple is Taking on Uttarakhand’s Uniform Civil Code’.

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Hasdeo Arand and the Manufacturing of Tribal Consent

Adani Enterprises Ltd, tasked with developing coal mines in Chhattisgarh’s Hasdeo Arand forest, is swallowing up land, trees and villagers’ rights in collusion with the State government, violating the Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act (PESA), 1996 and the Fifth Schedule of the Indian Constitution.

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Israel’s Ongoing Genocide in Gaza – 3 Articles

‘Gaza Ceasefire Hangs by a Thread’: Israel’s blocking of humanitarian aid to Gaza is an obvious step towards resuming its genocidal campaign, with full US support, risking regional conflagration. Also: ‘UN Report Says Israel “Consistently Breached International Law” in Assault on Gaza’; and: ‘Extent of Systematic Torture, Atrocities Endured by Palestinians in Israeli Prisons is Shocking’.

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Conquered Lands

The gains made by the West in the world’s richest energy zone since the defeat of the Axis powers in 1945 have been breathtaking. A brief survey of the region can help to highlight what has been lost and signal the direction in which it is heading.

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Trump’s Speech to Congress; Bernie Sanders Replies – 2 Articles

In his address to Congress, President Trump ignored the concerns of working people, boasted about his billionaire-run government, and doubled down on the tariffs that economists say may trigger another Great Depression. In a response, Bernie Sanders says while the fight for a progressive future may feel hopeless, “despair is not an option”.

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Imperialist Plunder of Africa Through Structural Adjustment Programmes

Drawing on recent data on Africa’s material resource use, the authors show how during the 1980s-90s, structural adjustment programmes led to a significant increase in ‘unequal ecological exchange’, a process whereby African countries were compelled to export more materials, energy and other resources than they received in imports.

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Fukushima Pollution Solution: Spread Radioactivity Far and Wide

The IAEA has supported Japan in its plan to pump wastewater left from cooling Fukushima’s melted reactor fuel into the Pacific, in spite of its own formal published guidelines which advise against it. Now, the Japanese government plans to allow millions of tons of radioactive soil to be used in public works projects, and even agriculture.

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Losses and Wins in Germany

In Germany’s special election on Sunday, seven months earlier than the normal date because the trio-run government collapsed, there were 29 parties on the long paper ballots. But only 7 had a chance to retain their presence in the Bundestag. The final count: 3 wins, 4 losses.

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France Losing its Military Bases in Africa, Tries to Reorganise; Sahel Nations Strengthen Their Autonomy – 4 Articles

‘Adieu: Africa’s Military Breakup with France is Official’; ‘French Neocolonialism in Africa Reorganizing Under the Cover of Retreat’; ‘Sahel Alliance Unveils New Flag as Regional Bloc Moves Toward Greater Integration’; and: ‘Canada Suffers Economic Losses as Burkina Faso Nationalises Land, Revokes Mining Permits’.

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‘Speak, Claudia!’

Sheinbaum, a 62–year-old intellectual with a doctorate in environmental sciences, proved her mettle as mayor of Mexico City before she won the presidency in last year’s elections. And she has proved it all over again by way of her first encounters with the just-elected Trump.

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Greece: Dare We Hope Again?

A mass strike to mark the anniversary of a terrible crash on privatised railway demonstrates the anger of Greek workers at government neglect and corruption. Kevin Ovenden reports from Athens and argues this can mark a qualitative change in the struggle.

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