Ambedkar, Buddhism and Dalit Liberation
Events of the last few days indicate AAP and BJP worship Ambedkar purely for electoral gains and not from commitment to his ideas.
India’s oldest Socialist Weekly!
Editor: Dr. G.G. Parikh | Associate Editor: Neeraj Jain | Managing Editor: Guddi
Events of the last few days indicate AAP and BJP worship Ambedkar purely for electoral gains and not from commitment to his ideas.
As Rahul Gandhi strides (or sprints) forward to keep his tryst with Nehruvian and Gandhian ideals of pluralist, democratic India, he is rapidly evolving into the kind of leader who is feared by the Sangh Parivar; Also – A public health physician’s diary of a day-and-a-half on the long march of Rahul Gandhi.
Data from the NCRB on farmers’ suicides, when compared with data collected from the ground by the Punjab Agricultural University, shows a severe undercounting of the phenomenon in the country.
The World Bank’s latest poverty estimate delivers shocking news: India added a whopping 79% of new extreme poor to the world population in 2020. In absolute numbers, it says, the global population of extreme poor grew by 71 million and India added 56 million to this.
The imposition of Hindi is not only an insidious form of establishing cultural hegemony over non-Hindi-speaking states but also an attack on the federal nature of the Indian state. Also: “Kerala Against Hindi Imposition; Terms Recommendations Attack on Federalism and Diversity of Nation”.
The informal working class makes the city, but the city has no place for its own makers.
Like the Roma and Sinti of Europe, Indian nomadic groups were also criminalised. After 75 years, the government must recognise their economic and social rights.
While pursuing its reactionary military-strategic rivalry with India, Pakistan’s ruling elite relies upon the military as the bulwark of the capitalist state machine that upholds its privileges and ruthlessly suppresses the democratic, social and economic aspirations of the people.
Giant retailers in the developed economies make huge fortunes in concert with smaller-scale textile and garment factories, the bulk of them in Asia and other parts of the global South. While this has brought luxury for a privileged few, it has plunged millions into a vast matrix of exploitation.
Fossil fuel stakeholders have been seeking new revenue in the petrochemical industry in general, and plastics in particular.
Janata Weekly is India’s oldest independent socialist weekly.
Ever since its founding in 1946, Janata has voiced its principled dissent against all conduct and practice that is detrimental to the cherished values of nationalism, democracy, secularism and socialism, while upholding the integrity and the ethical norms of healthy journalism. For more than seventy years now, week after week, it has continued to analyse the changes taking place in the country and the world from a socialist standpoint, and thus promote the spread of socialist ideology in the country.
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