Remembering Paulo Freire as a Freedom Fighter
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Remembering Paulo Freire as a Freedom Fighter

September 19th was Paulo Freire’s birthday. He was a revolutionary whose passion for justice and resistance was matched by his hatred of neoliberal capitalism and loathing for authoritarians of all political stripes. Put simply, he was not merely a public intellectual but also a freedom fighter.

Around 50 Million Years Ago, Africa was an Island. So How Did Primates Get There?
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Around 50 Million Years Ago, Africa was an Island. So How Did Primates Get There?

Humans evolved in Africa. But primates themselves appear to have evolved elsewhere – likely in Asia – before colonising Africa. At the time, around 50 million years ago, Africa was an island isolated from the rest of the world by the ocean – so how did primates get there?

Robbing the Soil – Part 1: Commons and Classes Before Capitalism
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Robbing the Soil – Part 1: Commons and Classes Before Capitalism

The rise of industrial capitalism was accompanied by a complex transformation of rural society wherein most people were separated from the land, and land was concentrated in the hands of a tiny minority. It happened in different ways and at different times in different parts of the world, and is still going on today.

Assata Shakur: The Making of a Revolutionary Woman
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Assata Shakur: The Making of a Revolutionary Woman

In commemorating Black August, we commemorate the struggle of those who have fought before us and faced violent repercussions from the state. When I think of political prisoners, and when I think of those who have committed themselves to Black Liberation, I always think of Assata Shakur.