Environmental and Toxic Impacts of Bottled Water – 2 Articles
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Environmental and Toxic Impacts of Bottled Water – 2 Articles

Decades of indifference to public investment led to the persistence of lead-tainted water which, in turn, forces citizens to rely on privatized bottled water as the only safe and potable option. Also: Environmental Impact of Bottled Water Up to 3,500 Times Greater than Tap Water.

Why the UK (and US) Left Is Wrong to Be So Dismissive of Non-Violent Struggle
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Why the UK (and US) Left Is Wrong to Be So Dismissive of Non-Violent Struggle

It has become fashionable to dismiss peaceful forms of resistance to injustice – but the evidence suggests they should be taken seriously. A response to some of the myths often repeated on the Left about non-violent struggle.

AFRICOM: An Extension of U.S.-European Colonialism and Genocide
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AFRICOM: An Extension of U.S.-European Colonialism and Genocide

Report of a webinar hosted by the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP): “AFRICOM at 13: Building the Popular Movement for Demilitarization and Anti-Imperialism in Africa.” It featured voices from countries most affected by AFRICOM, including internationally-known activists for liberation.

Penetrating Curtains of Deceit: I.F. Stone’s ‘The Hidden History of the Korean War’
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Penetrating Curtains of Deceit: I.F. Stone’s ‘The Hidden History of the Korean War’

The eruption of full-scale war on the Korean Peninsula advanced U.S. geopolitical interests and those of its key Asian clients; it also provided the pretext for President Truman to quadruple the military budget and create a militarized economy and foreign policy that remain with us to this day.