Survive and Revolt
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Survive and Revolt

Paul Street, March 20, 2020 “I Don’t Take Responsibility at All” Millions of U.S. -Americans are no doubt aghast over the Supremely Dangerous Asshole (SDA) Donald Trump’s statement about the coronavirus crisis in the country: “Yeah, no, I don’t take responsibility at all…” None. Zero. Nada. No accountability. At all. Remember Harry Truman’s little much…

The Unifying Element in All Struggles Against Capital Is the Right of Everyone to Full Human Development
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The Unifying Element in All Struggles Against Capital Is the Right of Everyone to Full Human Development

Michael Lebowitz interviewed by editors of Hak Mücadeleleri   HM: Let’s start with your ideas about rethinking Marx, capital’s logic, and the logic of the working class? And how we can relate these subjects with today’s social movements?   ML: For some time, I have argued that Marx did not develop theoretically the side of…

Capitalism and Robbery: The Expropriation of Land, Labor, and Corporeal Life

Capitalism and Robbery: The Expropriation of Land, Labor, and Corporeal Life

John Bellamy Foster, Brett Clark and Hannah Holleman   The expropriation of the mass of the people from the soil constitutes the basis of the capitalist mode of production.   —Karl Marx(1)   “The power of abstraction,” Karl Marx noted, is absolutely crucial to the theoretical analysis of historical systems, as exemplified by his critique…

Precarious Work and Contemporary Capitalism

Precarious Work and Contemporary Capitalism

Jonathan White There is understandably a lot of public discussion around the issue of what’s increasingly called precarious work. For some, this is evidence of the emergence of something qualitatively new in our economy. A fundamental shift has happened, the argument goes, toward a ‘gig economy’ in which a whole set of assumptions about the…

We are Not Fooled by the Hong Kong Protests

We are Not Fooled by the Hong Kong Protests

Several people around the world are confused about the protests going on in Hong Kong. Whenever the corporate media and politicians, especially people like Marco Rubio (US Republican senator), applaud a social movement, it is a red flag that the protests are not a progressive people’s movement, but serve other purposes. Is this really a…