Black Resistance and Afro-Venezuelan Feminism

Black Resistance and Afro-Venezuelan Feminism

Merlyn Pirela is a Venezuelan Afrofeminist activist and organizer. In Part I of this two-part interview, Pirela explores the historical forms of oppression and domination, and the Afro-Venezuelan struggle for emancipation. Part II addresses both the advances and the pending tasks of the movement in the context of the Bolivarian Process.

Fear, Depression Grips Indian Muslims – Two Articles
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Fear, Depression Grips Indian Muslims – Two Articles

“Muslim Life in India Has Become Dangerously Uncertain”. Also: “Fear, Depression in Indian Muslims Is Palpable Even Among Those Who Are ‘Privileged’”. The bigotry, both open and with dogwhistles, is leading us towards a downward spiral that will derail the Indian nation.

Home Minister Amit Shah Says Sedition Is Dead. But Its Replacement Is More Fearsome Than the Colonial Law Ever was

Home Minister Amit Shah Says Sedition Is Dead. But Its Replacement Is More Fearsome Than the Colonial Law Ever was

Has anything changed from the British Raj to now? The answer, certainly in the proposed Clause 150 meant to replace Section 124A, or sedition, is an unambiguous NO. Our analysis shows how the problems we faced with sedition will continue if the proposed Clause 150 becomes law.