In State That Drove Laws Guaranteeing Info & Work, New Law to Hold Govt Accountable Is Put on Hold

In State That Drove Laws Guaranteeing Info & Work, New Law to Hold Govt Accountable Is Put on Hold

In Rajasthan, a demand grows for India’s first law meant to hold government officials responsible for negligence, inaction and delay in delivery of services. Congress chief minister Ashok Gehlot had promised the legislation more than 3 years ago, but the bill yet to be passed.

The IMF’s Agreement With Argentina Could Prove a Game-Changer
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The IMF’s Agreement With Argentina Could Prove a Game-Changer

A new draft agreement between Argentina and the International Monetary Fund has eschewed austerity. It will allow the Argentine economy to grow while the government continues its efforts to reduce poverty and gradually bring down inflation.

Budget 2022-23 What Is in it for the People, Part V – Proposal for an  Alternate, People-Centric Budget
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Budget 2022-23 What Is in it for the People, Part V – Proposal for an Alternate, People-Centric Budget

If the government partially withdraws some of the concessions / subsidies / transfers of public wealth being given to the rich, and imposes some additional taxes on them, it can raise enough additional revenues to finance a big hike in its social sector expenditures.

Submission to the Independent Expert on Foreign Debt and Human Rights
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Submission to the Independent Expert on Foreign Debt and Human Rights

This submission comes at a crucial juncture in Pakistan’s socio-economic history. The Imran Khan government was elected on the manifesto to fight corruption and debt burden. However, it has miserably failed to arrest the galloping public debt and its adverse impacts on the working classes.

Budget 2022–23: What Is in it for the People, Part IV – Budgetary Allocations for Health & Nutrition, and Pensions

Budget 2022–23: What Is in it for the People, Part IV – Budgetary Allocations for Health & Nutrition, and Pensions

India is actually known as the disease capital of the world. It probably accounted for a quarter of the total corona pandemic deaths. The reason for India’s health crisis—which became so evident to everyone during the second covid wave—is the dismal state of our public health system.

Budget 2022–23: What Is in it for the People, Part III – Allocation for Social Sectors, Education

Budget 2022–23: What Is in it for the People, Part III – Allocation for Social Sectors, Education

The social sector expenditures of the Modi Government are not just far lower than the developed countries, they are even lower than its peer countries. And as regards education, the Modi Government has cut the budget for school education by a huge 40% over the 9 budgets it has presented so far.

Rajasthan Announces Urban Employment Guarantee 2022-23 – Is Centre Listening?

Rajasthan Announces Urban Employment Guarantee 2022-23 – Is Centre Listening?

Under the distressing times of COVID-19, the Rajasthan Budget 2022-23 guarantees 100 days of employment for families in urban areas. However, the Central government has not paid heed to demands for such a scheme and has even reduced allocations for MGNREGA.