The Roots of Poison: Mahadev Desai on Communal Strife
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The Roots of Poison: Mahadev Desai on Communal Strife

In April 1941, communal riots broke out in Ahmedabad. Gandhiji’s secretary, Mahadev Desai, wrote a long report on the riots, which remains unpublished. Guha discusses this report, as it is not only very moving, but also speaks directly to the communal situation in India today.

British Prime Minister Liz Truss Resigns – a Revolutionary Crisis for British Imperialism

British Prime Minister Liz Truss Resigns – a Revolutionary Crisis for British Imperialism

UK Prime Minister Liz Truss’s resignation after just 45 days in office, is the result of the enormous international and internal pressures on British imperialism, amid a war with Russia threatening to go nuclear and an unprecedented collapse in living standards.

Power Dynamics? Local Healthcare Dubbed Non-Scientific, ‘Needing’ Allopathic Nod
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Power Dynamics? Local Healthcare Dubbed Non-Scientific, ‘Needing’ Allopathic Nod

Civil society organizations and healers’ networks have been advocating to bring the indigenous and local healthcare traditions into the main fold of healthcare provisioning. However, allopathic medicine continues to create distrust in indigenous and local healthcare tradition systems.

Seeking Meaning in a Meaningless World: The Essence of the Gandhian Paradigm
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Seeking Meaning in a Meaningless World: The Essence of the Gandhian Paradigm

Book Review: Ramin Jahanbegloo and Pooja Sharma, ‘Living in Truth: The Gandhian Paradigm’: The time has come to see Gandhi as primarily a political thinker, and to engage with him the way we would critically engage with a political philosopher.