Understanding the Complicated Politics and Geopolitics of the Coup Myanmar
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Understanding the Complicated Politics and Geopolitics of the Coup Myanmar

Washington has been trying to push out China from Myanmar; however, both the military and NLD are committed to the strategic link with China. But it does not help that this “new cold war” has deepened the instability that marks Myanmar’s history since 1962.

Even the IMF Is Being Forced to Acknowledge the Value of Universal Vaccination
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Even the IMF Is Being Forced to Acknowledge the Value of Universal Vaccination

The IMF and the ICC, the self-avowed voice of big business, say that while the world economy is expected to recover in 2021, the rich countries could lose as much as $5 trillion if they don’t help vaccinate the rest of the world.

Oxfam Report Shows Combined Pandemic Wealth of Richest 10 People Could Pay to Vaccinate Entire World
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Oxfam Report Shows Combined Pandemic Wealth of Richest 10 People Could Pay to Vaccinate Entire World

The world’s ten richest men, says an Oxfam report, have seen their combined wealth increase by half a trillion dollars since the pandemic began—more than enough to pay for a COVID-19 vaccine for everyone and to ensure no one is pushed into poverty by the pandemic.

The Pentagonization of America – Two Articles
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The Pentagonization of America – Two Articles

As the enthusiasm for war on terror ebbs in America, Pentagon hawks have been searching for new wars and escalations – the new targets are China and Russia. While this guarantees more money for the Pentagon, it hasn’t made the US safer; the wars are also coming back home.