Why Is There No Upper Caste Outcry When Merit Goes for a Toss in the EWS Quota?
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Why Is There No Upper Caste Outcry When Merit Goes for a Toss in the EWS Quota?

For centuries, those who have reserved all the opportunities for themselves have started considering their talent as natural. They do not realise the injustice and tyranny hidden within the social structure which makes them owners of merit by robbing others of their merit.

US Is Overcome With Debt and Death. Let’s Fight Inequality to Stop This Crisis.

US Is Overcome With Debt and Death. Let’s Fight Inequality to Stop This Crisis.

The Biden administration recently announced a student debt relief plan. Republican politicians have strongly criticised it, saying the country can’t afford it. But what about the bail out of Wall Street by the Federal Reserve in the early days of the pandemic for nearly as much as it would cost to cancel all student debt?

Power Dynamics? Local Healthcare Dubbed Non-Scientific, ‘Needing’ Allopathic Nod
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Power Dynamics? Local Healthcare Dubbed Non-Scientific, ‘Needing’ Allopathic Nod

Civil society organizations and healers’ networks have been advocating to bring the indigenous and local healthcare traditions into the main fold of healthcare provisioning. However, allopathic medicine continues to create distrust in indigenous and local healthcare tradition systems.