Coronavirus v. Free Speech: Modi Government Opens New Battlefront in Supreme Court
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Coronavirus v. Free Speech: Modi Government Opens New Battlefront in Supreme Court

The Wire Analysis, 1 April 2020 On Tuesday, the Centre turned two petitions pertaining to the welfare of migrant workers affected by the 21-day lockdown into an occasion to demand the Supreme Court give it control over the media’s coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic. But though the Modi government wanted the media to be told…

What Doesn’t Add Up in Nirmala Sitharaman’s Relief Package for India’s Poor
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What Doesn’t Add Up in Nirmala Sitharaman’s Relief Package for India’s Poor

Kabir Agarwal, Anuj Srivas How impactful will finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s relief package for India’s poorest actually end up being? The Narendra Modi government unveiled the contours of the Rs 1.7 lakh crore package on Thursday, with a promise that it was for people who needed immediate help – like migrant workers, and the urban…

Largest Ever Strike in India Shakes Up Modi Govt

Largest Ever Strike in India Shakes Up Modi Govt

Subodh Varma    India woke up on January 8, to witness the largest ever strike with an estimated 25 crore (250 million) workers, employees, farmers and rural labourers stopping work and hitting the streets to protest against the Modi government’s economic policies and divisive politics.   Reports coming in from various states indicate that the…

Kashmir: The Worst Conflict Area In The World

Kashmir: The Worst Conflict Area In The World

It won’t be an exaggeration to say Kashmir is the worst conflict area in the world. Look anywhere else in the world where there are conflicts, there is no communication crack down. From Gaza to West Papua, from Hong Kong to the Yellow Vests in France … the world knows what’s happening there. However in…