Dalits-Adivasis in Uttar Pradesh and the Question of Land
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Dalits-Adivasis in Uttar Pradesh and the Question of Land

The Dalits and Tribals of UP are mostly landless, low income and unemployed, which is the main reason for their social, economic and political backwardness. Successive governments of UP have not taken any measures to help these lowest sections of society; the BJP is worsening their situation.

Thinking with Gandhi: The Meaning of Moral Courage and the Evil of Inequality
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Thinking with Gandhi: The Meaning of Moral Courage and the Evil of Inequality

If we think with Gandhi, then we can come to nonviolence only after passing through two other terms first – courage and evil. An account of nonviolence that does not spring from an understanding of courage and evil runs away from what is most thought-provoking in Gandhi.

Lakshadweep: The New Administration’s Call and the Impending Ecological Crisis
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Lakshadweep: The New Administration’s Call and the Impending Ecological Crisis

This article is an attempt to bring forth the ecological and environmental disasters that await over a fragile ecosystem, as a consequence of the new rules and regulations of the recently appointed administrator of Lakshadweep, Praful Khoda Patel.