Mumia Abu-Jamal: Militant Journalism from Behind Enemy Lines
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Mumia Abu-Jamal: Militant Journalism from Behind Enemy Lines

After his unjust incarceration, which was part of the state’s larger counterrevolution against progressive movements in the U.S. and abroad, Mumia continued his work as a militant journalist live from death row. Review of Mumia Abu-Jamal’s book, ‘Have Black Lives Ever Mattered?’

Collective Commons, Debts and Pharmaceutical Companies’ Patents: Part 2
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Collective Commons, Debts and Pharmaceutical Companies’ Patents: Part 2

Knowledge, scientific discoveries, and technical processes ought to be common goods of humankind. However, Big Pharma is engaged in private appropriation of knowledge and techniques, notably through patents, enabling it to rake in colossal profits, esp. during the corona pandemic.

Of Spirits, Martyrs & Legends: the Magic & Sorrow of Vietnam’s Côn Sơn Island
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Of Spirits, Martyrs & Legends: the Magic & Sorrow of Vietnam’s Côn Sơn Island

This tropical paradise was a penal colony during the French colonial era and the US War in Vietnam. For 22,000 Vietnamese and some Cambodians, Côn Sơn Island was literally the last stop on a journey that began with their arrest and incarceration on the mainland.

Behind the Modi Government’s Doublespeak on Ladakh, a Refusal to Acknowledge Reality
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Behind the Modi Government’s Doublespeak on Ladakh, a Refusal to Acknowledge Reality

The Chinese know where they are and what they did. The government of India and the Army, too, are, hopefully, wiser after the event. The only ones who do not yet clearly know what transpired are the people of India.