Twenty-Two Years of Austerity in Timor-Leste: The IMF and Rebuilding the Neoliberal State from Scratch
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Twenty-Two Years of Austerity in Timor-Leste: The IMF and Rebuilding the Neoliberal State from Scratch

Timor-Leste represents a new case in the dawn of the twenty-first century on how the IMF imposed a top-down neoliberal macroeconomic infrastructure and reform project from scratch.

Peace Is Not Our Profession: The Madness of Nuclear Warfare, Alive and Well in America
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Peace Is Not Our Profession: The Madness of Nuclear Warfare, Alive and Well in America

Collectively, it seems that we may be on the verge of returning to a nightmarish past, where we lived in fear of a nuclear war that would kill us all, the tall and the small, and especially the smallest among us, our children, who really are our future.

Surrounded: An Ethnography of New Colonialism

Surrounded: An Ethnography of New Colonialism

A recent study put the pillage of Africa at $152 trillion dollars lost between 1960-2010 from just unequal exchange. Yet why are Africans content to celebrate small things such as black faces in office, some native capitalists, associations with former colonisers, football, and the penetration of European consumer ostentation?

Workers Suffer High Levels of Stress and Alienation; and Workplace Accidents – 3 Articles
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Workers Suffer High Levels of Stress and Alienation; and Workplace Accidents – 3 Articles

Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace Report 2022 reveals high levels of alienation and stress faced by workers; 120 million occupational accidents, of which 2.1 lakh are fatal accidents, occur annually at workplaces worldwide; Also: WHO-ILO Report: Work-related Causes Kill 2 Million People Globally Each Year.