Chomsky and Pollin: Protests Outside of COP26 Offered More Hope Than the Summit
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Chomsky and Pollin: Protests Outside of COP26 Offered More Hope Than the Summit

The conference ended with a disheartening “compromise” deal on the climate. In this interview, leading intellectuals Noam Chomsky and Robert Pollin offer their assessments of what transpired at COP26 and share their views about ways to go forward with the fight against the climate crisis.

Environmental and Toxic Impacts of Bottled Water – 2 Articles
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Environmental and Toxic Impacts of Bottled Water – 2 Articles

Decades of indifference to public investment led to the persistence of lead-tainted water which, in turn, forces citizens to rely on privatized bottled water as the only safe and potable option. Also: Environmental Impact of Bottled Water Up to 3,500 Times Greater than Tap Water.

New Era of US Financial Warfare
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New Era of US Financial Warfare

In 2004, the US launched a whole new strategy of financial war, with the creation of the Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, to utilise Washington’s financial leverage, based on the global domination of the U.S. dollar, to cut off the economic circulation of targeted states.

Of Spirits, Martyrs & Legends: the Magic & Sorrow of Vietnam’s Côn Sơn Island
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Of Spirits, Martyrs & Legends: the Magic & Sorrow of Vietnam’s Côn Sơn Island

This tropical paradise was a penal colony during the French colonial era and the US War in Vietnam. For 22,000 Vietnamese and some Cambodians, Côn Sơn Island was literally the last stop on a journey that began with their arrest and incarceration on the mainland.

AFRICOM: An Extension of U.S.-European Colonialism and Genocide
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AFRICOM: An Extension of U.S.-European Colonialism and Genocide

Report of a webinar hosted by the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP): “AFRICOM at 13: Building the Popular Movement for Demilitarization and Anti-Imperialism in Africa.” It featured voices from countries most affected by AFRICOM, including internationally-known activists for liberation.