Roots of Feminist Fervour: Women in Bhakti Movement
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Roots of Feminist Fervour: Women in Bhakti Movement

Their sheer sense of individualism and power through spirituality made the rise of women’s voices prominent in Bhakti tradition. We can trace the elements of feminism through their songs, poems, and ways of life. On some of the important women saints of the Bhakti tradition who became the primitive voices of the rise of feminism in India.

Russia Pushes Back Western Sanctions, Revs Up Operation in Eastern Ukraine
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Russia Pushes Back Western Sanctions, Revs Up Operation in Eastern Ukraine

All indications are that the contingency planning that Russia had worked out to pull through a severe sanctions regime is paying off. The ruble’s recovery has been absolutely astounding. Plus: extract from – “US Narrative Won’t Survive Defeat in Donbass”.

Russia’s Sergey Glazyev Introduces the New Global Financial System
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Russia’s Sergey Glazyev Introduces the New Global Financial System

Sergey Glazyev, who is Russia’s Minister in Charge of Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU), answers a series of questions related to the design of a new monetary /financial system via an association between the EAEU and China, bypassing the U.S. dollar.

Ousted Pakistani Leader was Challenging Investment Treaties that Give Corporations Excessive Power

Ousted Pakistani Leader was Challenging Investment Treaties that Give Corporations Excessive Power

The reasons for PM Khan’s political downfall are not entirely clear. His economic policies were a mixed bag at best, but he deserves credit for one thing: he’d taken a bold stand against international investment agreements that give transnational corporations excessive power over national governments.