Sri Lankan Crisis Caused by Majoritarianism, Authoritarianism and Minority Bashing Offers Lessons for India
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Sri Lankan Crisis Caused by Majoritarianism, Authoritarianism and Minority Bashing Offers Lessons for India

The deeper reasons behind the Sri Lankan crisis are Sinhalese Buddhist majoritarianism, authoritarianism of the Gotabaya regime, violent targeting of minorities, brutal methods adopted to curb press freedom and deliberate curbing of the culture of scrutiny of public policies.

Nicaragua Celebrates 43 Years of Revolution: a Clash Between Reality and Media Misrepresentation
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Nicaragua Celebrates 43 Years of Revolution: a Clash Between Reality and Media Misrepresentation

July 19 is a day of celebration in Nicaragua: the anniversary of the overthrow of the Somoza dictatorship. Ignoring the remarkable transformation that has taken place in the lives of the Nicaraguans under the Sandinista government, the international media continue to dish out lies.

Julian Assange, Alina Lipp, and Anne-Laure Bonnel – When Truth Becomes a Crime in the West
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Julian Assange, Alina Lipp, and Anne-Laure Bonnel – When Truth Becomes a Crime in the West

Three journalists – Julian Assange, Alina Lipp and Anne-laure Bonnel – are paying a high price for telling the truth in the West: financial suffocation, censorship, threats and imprisonment, and even physical and psychological torture in the case of Assange. They illustrate the reality of “democracy” in the West.