Seeking Meaning in a Meaningless World: The Essence of the Gandhian Paradigm
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Seeking Meaning in a Meaningless World: The Essence of the Gandhian Paradigm

Book Review: Ramin Jahanbegloo and Pooja Sharma, ‘Living in Truth: The Gandhian Paradigm’: The time has come to see Gandhi as primarily a political thinker, and to engage with him the way we would critically engage with a political philosopher.

The Importance of Anand Teltumbde’s Thoughts in a Republic of Caste
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The Importance of Anand Teltumbde’s Thoughts in a Republic of Caste

As an email circulates to support a campaign to name Professor Anand Teltumbde in the list of world’s top thinkers to be listed in ‘Prospect’ magazine, it is time to take note of his important work: ‘Republic of Caste’ (2018) and put it in perspective.

Dowry Was Banned 60 Years Ago. But Cases Are Rising, While Grieving Families Find Justice Harder Than Ever
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Dowry Was Banned 60 Years Ago. But Cases Are Rising, While Grieving Families Find Justice Harder Than Ever

More than 18 women die every day in India in violence related to demands for dowry, which was outlawed in 1961. The number of complaints against dowry demands and related violence rose 25% in 2021 over the previous year. The conviction rate has plunged, as many who complain eventually compromise.

The Narmada Sardar Sarovar Project: The Truth About the Dam(Ned) Delay
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The Narmada Sardar Sarovar Project: The Truth About the Dam(Ned) Delay

Recently, PM Modi put the blame for delay in implementation of the Sardar Sarovar Project on “urban naxals and anti-development elements”. This is not merely wrong and unfair, but reflects regrettable ignorance of ground realities.

Bank Privatization and the Never-finished Neoliberal Agenda
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Bank Privatization and the Never-finished Neoliberal Agenda

Successive governments with a neoliberal agenda have not been able to roll-back nationalization, even after thirty years. That fortuitous ‘failure’ shows that the criticism of public ownership of banking is misplaced, and that neoliberal policies have lost their legitimacy.