Condemn Arbitrary Raids on Activists’ Homes in AP and Telangana
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Condemn Arbitrary Raids on Activists’ Homes in AP and Telangana

NAPM expresses its solidarity with all these activists who are long standing members of human rights, civil liberties and mass organizations and have been working for the welfare and rights of the most disenfranchised people, including Adivasis, Dalits, workers, farmers, minorities and women.

Judiciary and Social Justice, Dignity and Personal Liberty, Human Rights and Frights

Judiciary and Social Justice, Dignity and Personal Liberty, Human Rights and Frights

Our founding fathers and mothers were far-sighted in matters of socio-economic justice, dignity of the individual and personal liberty. Today, dissent and disagreement are slowly being turned into sedition and a national security issue. In good time, human rights may well become human frights.

Being ‘Hindu’ and Being ‘Secular’: Tamil ‘Secularism’ and Caste Politics
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Being ‘Hindu’ and Being ‘Secular’: Tamil ‘Secularism’ and Caste Politics

The Hindu right has not been able to take over much of Tamil Nadu’s political space, due to the long-standing propaganda by parties such as the DMK against the caste-based discrimination within Hinduism, which also led to a positive representation of Islam and Muslims.