Edward Bernays: Propaganda and the U.S.-Backed 1954 Guatemalan Coup
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Edward Bernays: Propaganda and the U.S.-Backed 1954 Guatemalan Coup

Whether selling cigarettes or deposing world leaders, Edward Bernays molded reality like clay. In his hands, words spun like so many hollow jars. However, the one constant, the one truth among his many distortions, is that Bernays had no use for the truth.

Lasting Environmental and Health Impacts of U.S. Chemical Warfare in Southeast Asia – 50 Years on
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Lasting Environmental and Health Impacts of U.S. Chemical Warfare in Southeast Asia – 50 Years on

As part of the Vietnam War, US military sprayed more than 20 million gallons of herbicide on Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia – the campaign destroyed five millions acres of forest and untold millions of acres of crops (including rice). It continues to impact these countries till today.

AFRICOM: An Extension of U.S.-European Colonialism and Genocide
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AFRICOM: An Extension of U.S.-European Colonialism and Genocide

Report of a webinar hosted by the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP): “AFRICOM at 13: Building the Popular Movement for Demilitarization and Anti-Imperialism in Africa.” It featured voices from countries most affected by AFRICOM, including internationally-known activists for liberation.

Multinational Corporations and COVID-19: Intellectual Property Rights vs. Human Rights
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Multinational Corporations and COVID-19: Intellectual Property Rights vs. Human Rights

The primary obstacles to expanded vaccine production are political: corporate power and IPR fundamentalism. Unions have backed the call for a TRIPS waiver. Organized action at all levels will determine which will prevail: human rights or intellectual property rights.