What to Expect from COP27 in Egypt’s Police State: An Interview With Sharif Abdel Kouddous

What to Expect from COP27 in Egypt’s Police State: An Interview With Sharif Abdel Kouddous

As tens of thousands of delegates descend on Egypt from all over the world for the global climate meeting, the Egyptian journalist talks about the state of Egypt today, including the situation of political prisoners, and how he expects the Egyptian government will act with the eyes of the world upon it.

Agri Biotech Sector Motivated by Monopoly Control and Sacred GMO Cash Cow
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Agri Biotech Sector Motivated by Monopoly Control and Sacred GMO Cash Cow

Food prices are rising due to a combination of an engineered food crisis for geopolitical reasons, financial speculation by hedge funds, and profiteering by global grain trade conglomerates. In addition, agribusiness forms are using this crisis as an opportunity to promote GE technologies.

Us and Them

Us and Them

A left-populist strategy recognizes that society is inherently divided and insists on the partisan nature of politics. In this sense it accords with the Marxian approach, but it differs in the way the frontier is constructed – the the populist frontier is not constructed on a class basis.

Modi’s Revdi Culture? ‘Freebie’ to Vedanta-Foxconn Ahead of Gujarat, Himachal Polls
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Modi’s Revdi Culture? ‘Freebie’ to Vedanta-Foxconn Ahead of Gujarat, Himachal Polls

Two recent shocking revelations: Vedanta-Foxconn cornering a subsidy of Rs 76,000 crore to build chips; and a wrong Hyundai group getting a huge subsidy to make EV batteries. The partisan debate over “freebies” sparked by PM Modi himself now stands exposed more than ever, in multiple ways.

Nod to Herbicide Tolerant GM Mustard Will be Strongly Resisted: Union Govt Warned

Nod to Herbicide Tolerant GM Mustard Will be Strongly Resisted: Union Govt Warned

In a letter to the Union Minister for Environment and Climate Change, the civil society organisation has objected to recent steps being taken to give permission for commercial cultivation of GM mustard, stating that the biosafety assessment of GM mustard has been ignored.

It’s a Clean Sweep! Not One Country Guarantees Workers’ Rights
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It’s a Clean Sweep! Not One Country Guarantees Workers’ Rights

Past annual Global Rights Index reports issued by the International Trade Union Confederation have invariably shown that there is no country on Earth that fully protects workers’ rights and the 2022 edition is not only not an exception but finds that repression of labor organizing is increasing.

Imperialism Is at War with Our Planet—and We Need to Stop it
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Imperialism Is at War with Our Planet—and We Need to Stop it

92% of the climate catastrophe engulfing the planet is caused by Global North, backed by the massive imperial army of NATO, that overthrows governments and brutally sanctions entire peoples who refuse to bow down. The climate movement in the Global North needs to realise this and embrace a path of international solidarity.