India’s Welfare Programmes are Suffering Because of the Delay in Census by Modi Government

India’s Welfare Programmes are Suffering Because of the Delay in Census by Modi Government

ThE delay is impacting government schemes, and results in unreliable estimates from other surveys on consumption, health and employment, which depend on census data to determine policy and welfare measures. For example, probably 10 crore people are likely being excluded from the PDS.

Beyond Abortion, a Struggle to Win Our Future
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Beyond Abortion, a Struggle to Win Our Future

Although the current debate in the US on abortion rights centers on the issue of the women’s right to make decisions over their own bodies, the issue is actually related to the urgent need to overturn patriarchal gender norms, class oppression and the capitalist economic system that perpetuate them. The fight is really for life for the majority, not just for the few.