The U.S. Did Not Defeat Fascism in WWII, It Discretely Internationalized It
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The U.S. Did Not Defeat Fascism in WWII, It Discretely Internationalized It

One of the founding myths of the contemporary Western world is that fascism was defeated in WWII by liberal democracies, and particularly by the United States. The material record suggests, however, a shockingly different reality.

Revisiting Dr. Rammanohar Lohia – Examining Certain Distinct Propositions in the Text and the Context
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Revisiting Dr. Rammanohar Lohia – Examining Certain Distinct Propositions in the Text and the Context

The trilogy – Marx, Gandhi and Socialism; Wheel of History; and Caste System – together constitute an alternative developed by Lohia to the Western philosophical project of socialism.

US-Backed Coup Gov’t Concedes Defeat in Bolivia – But Difficult Road Ahead
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US-Backed Coup Gov’t Concedes Defeat in Bolivia – But Difficult Road Ahead

Despite the fact that the MAS’ electoral victory looks certain, it is far from clear what sort of resistance they will face from other sources of power. If Arce does indeed come to rule his country, will he receive the Nicolas Maduro treatment?