Capitalism Created the Climate Catastrophe; Socialism Can Avert Disaster
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Capitalism Created the Climate Catastrophe; Socialism Can Avert Disaster

Capitalism cannot solve the climate crisis since capitalism is the principal cause of the crisis. One hundred of the world’s largest corporations are responsible for 71% of global industrial greenhouse gases; but these corporations are not prepared to accelerate the energy transition.

What is Socialist Feminism?
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What is Socialist Feminism?

There is a fundamental interconnection between women’s struggle and class struggle. All those women’s struggles which build collective confidence among women are important to building class consciousness; and all those class struggles which seek to build the social and cultural autonomy of the working class are necessarily linked to the struggle for women’s liberation.

An Engineered Food and Poverty Crisis to Secure Continued U.S. Dominance
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An Engineered Food and Poverty Crisis to Secure Continued U.S. Dominance

We see an abundance of food but skyrocketing prices. The issue is not food shortage but speculation on food commodities and the manipulation of an inherently flawed global food system. It is not the first time the U.S. has engineered a major crisis to maintain global hegemony.