The Climate Crisis Keeps Getting Worse – And It Is Doing So at an Accelerating Rate: Four Articles
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The Climate Crisis Keeps Getting Worse – And It Is Doing So at an Accelerating Rate: Four Articles

Top scientists warn of ‘ghastly future of mass extinction’ and climate disruption; New study shows Earth now warmer than any time in last 12,000 years; Global ice melt accelerating at record rate; Florida professor predicts Amazon rainforest collapse by 2064.

Fascism, Imperialism, and Anti-Communism at the Capitol Hill Riots
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Fascism, Imperialism, and Anti-Communism at the Capitol Hill Riots

The flags of U.S. client states, anti-communist regimes, and pre-revolution puppet states dotted the sea of MAGA hats and Confederate flags at the Capitol Hill mobs. Making sense of why requires understanding the convergence between imperialism abroad and fascism at home.

Yemen: The World’s Worst Humanitarian Crisis and the Complicity of Imperialists – Two Articles
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Yemen: The World’s Worst Humanitarian Crisis and the Complicity of Imperialists – Two Articles

As long as the US and UK continue their political and military support for the Saudi-led war on Yemen, there will be no solution to the country’s humanitarian or political situation. Also: Not just to Yemen, the US controls half the arms market in the Middle East.