Parleying with the Infinite: India in Beethoven’s Imagination
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Parleying with the Infinite: India in Beethoven’s Imagination

There are many surprising ways in which Western classical music, and more particularly the music of Beethoven, has relations with India. The name of Beethoven is also inextricably linked up with the name of someone who is inescapably present in nearly every conversation—Gandhi.

Survive and Revolt
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Survive and Revolt

Paul Street, March 20, 2020 “I Don’t Take Responsibility at All” Millions of U.S. -Americans are no doubt aghast over the Supremely Dangerous Asshole (SDA) Donald Trump’s statement about the coronavirus crisis in the country: “Yeah, no, I don’t take responsibility at all…” None. Zero. Nada. No accountability. At all. Remember Harry Truman’s little much…

The Long Search for Killers of 1984 Sikh Massacre

The Long Search for Killers of 1984 Sikh Massacre For last 34 years, on every anniversary of 1984 massacre of Sikhs, this author has been reminding the Nation how Indian State and judiciary did not bother to punish the perpetrators of this horrendous mass killing of the innocents of the second largest religious minority of…