Comedians Point to the Sheer Absurdity of Hindutva – and That’s Why BJP Can’t Face Them

To the long and growing list of people that the Bharatiya Janata Party appears to be intolerant or perhaps scared of, which includes students, activists, journalists, academics and human rights defenders, a new category can be added – comedians. For what else can explain the hounding of the young comedian Munawwar Faruqui, who shows are cancelled wherever he goes?

The organisers were compelled to cancel a show in Bangalore on Sunday following a letter they received from the city police the previous day, ‘suggesting’ that the show could create a law and order situation. This advice came after the Hindu Jagran Samiti and the Jai Shri Ram Sena — both right-wing Hindutva organisations — approached the police to cancel the show. This became the 12th time in succession that Faruqui couldn’t perform on stage because of similar reasons.

In normal circumstances, the police, sworn to uphold the Constitution, should have ignored this appeal and strengthened security around the auditorium. But these are hardly normal times and so the police told Faruqui to cancel his performance. It is a wonder the cops did not arrest the comedian. The irony is that he had performed the same set in Bangalore on three occasions in the past year.

Karnataka is ruled by a BJP government – as is Madhya Pradesh, where Faruqui was jailed for a month for a joke he didn’t crack but allegedly intended to, and then, after the Supreme Court granted him interim bail, was still not released as there was a warrant against him in Prayagraj, for ‘hurting religious sentiments’. Uttar Pradesh too has a BJP government.

What is about comedians, and Faruqui in particular, that the Hindutva warriors don’t like? After all, the vidushak is an inalienable part of the grand Indian tradition. Folk performances, such as tamasha in Maharashtra, always have a funnyman and even Ramleela plays are full of ribald jokes cracked by the village comedian. Not just argumentative, we Indians are also blessed with a robust sense of humour and the ability to laugh at power structures. In a country with hardships, a sense of humour is necessarily to keep one’s sanity. It is a safety valve or sorts.

So why is the Sangh system, self-proclaimed upholders of ‘Hindu civilisation’, so anti-jokes and -joke tellers? An important part of attacking Faruqui is of course that he is a Muslim and the Hindutva right wing is determined to marginalise Muslims from the national mainstream. That is not overtly stated but obvious to anyone who has seen bigotry grow and bloom during these past seven years. BJP administrations in various states have benignantly looked on and even backed the efforts of rabid organisations and freelancers. The police happily cooperates.

But comedians are feared because they ridicule, mock, taunt and, through that, point to the sheer absurdity of Hindutva. One of Faruqui’s jokes was about the people of Junagarh being so lazy they wouldn’t even participate in a riot; this at a time when the rest of Gujarat burned in 2002 and hundreds of people, mainly Muslim, were killed. Such lacerating jokes cannot but show the mirror of bigotry to communal elements and this they cannot face.

The Hindutva ecosystem does not like arguments or questions – consider the way in which Parliament debates on crucial issues are simply not held or how the independent media is shut out. The prime minister has not held a single press conference in seven years and was equally wary of journalists in Gujarat. BJP-friendly media, such as the noisy television channels and many print publications, is encouraged, the rest are debarred. The press has not been allowed to cover parliamentary proceeds for five sessions, including the present one, where the crucial farm laws were repealed — again without a debate. It all comes down to fear of being questioned and challenged. Opposition spokespersons on TV shows are shouted down.

That a party with an overwhelming majority in Parliament has this insecurities is a mystery which social scientists will one day, it is hoped, will resolve.

Faruqui has already hinted he will not perform again, thus giving up his profession and his passion. He has said that hate has won. The treatment meted out to him will not just silence him but also have a chilling effect on other comedians; already many of them have stopped holding public performances and others have moved on to ‘safer’ subjects. And the joke really is on us all.

(Sidharth Bhatia is a journalist and writer based in Mumbai and is a Founding Editor of The Wire. Article courtesy: The Wire.)

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Another article in the Wire, ‘Seen as Variant of Virus Now’ Says Kunal Kamra, as Comedian’s Bengaluru Shows Cancelled, adds (extract):

Days after comedian Munawar Faruqui announced that he was done with comedy after umpteen shows of his were cancelled under pressure from rightwing Hindutva groups, comedian Kunal Kamra too announced through a tweet that his latest shows, too, had been cancelled.

Kamra has frequently been in the crosshairs of the current Bharatiya Janata Party government and those loyal to it, primarily because of his outspoken critique of policies and rising intolerance.

Kamra’s shows, like Faruqui’s final cancellation, was to have taken place in Bengaluru. While the police note ordering the cancellation for Faruqui’s show had been criticised because it conveyed that police were bowing to threats of violence instead of protecting the persons being threatened, Kamra’s shows stuttered at the permission stage itself.

Shows of Kamra’s, scheduled over the next 20 days, were cancelled for two reasons, he wrote.

“Firstly, we didn’t get special permissions to seat 45 people in the venue that can seat more. Secondly, threats have been made to shut down the venue if I were to ever perform there. I guess this is also part of the COVID protocol and new guidelines. I suppose I am seen as a variant of the virus now,” he wrote.

Kamra also added that those who had thought that he was being allowed to ply his trade when a Muslim comedian, Faruqui, was being stopped from doing a similar thing, could now “find solace in the fact that the ruling class is at least trying to oppress with equality.”

Bitingly, he writes, “Maybe if we continue down the road of equal oppression, we would get to a point of equal liberation, in a post climate change era.”

Janata Weekly does not necessarily adhere to all of the views conveyed in articles republished by it. Our goal is to share a variety of democratic socialist perspectives that we think our readers will find interesting or useful. —Eds.


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