Twelve Years Ago NATO Bombed Libya to “Protect Civilians”, Leaving Tens of Thousands Dead and a Country in Ruins
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Twelve Years Ago NATO Bombed Libya to “Protect Civilians”, Leaving Tens of Thousands Dead and a Country in Ruins

Gaddafi’s projects would have liberated the continent from the dominance of Western centres of power and monopoly, transforming global economic structures and inspiring other regions in the Global South to “unite, organize and fight”. And so NATO intervened, to overthrow Gaddafi.

Waiting for Biden’s Definition of Victory in Ukraine
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Waiting for Biden’s Definition of Victory in Ukraine

Surely, there is a pall of gloom in the western media lately about the war storms gathering on the horizon. There have been reports of more Russian successes. The Ukrainian defence line is cracking through which an elephant can pass to the steppes en route to the Dnieper River.