40th Anniversary of the Sandinista Victory—But So Much More

40th Anniversary of the Sandinista Victory—But So Much More

Jorge Capelán and Stephen Sefton Forty years ago in 1979, a huge majority of Nicaraguans led by the Sandinista Front for National Liberation (FSLN) overthrew the cruelest dictatorship in the Americas, a close ally of the United States. Ever since then, the US government has worked to destroy the FSLN. For forty years they have…

Personal Data – The Skyscraper of Data You Knew Nothing About

Personal Data – The Skyscraper of Data You Knew Nothing About

Courtesy: TruePublica It’s quite something to think of one simple statistic that sums up how much data is being processed about us—that ninety per cent of the world’s data was created in just the last two years. It has been calculated that each one of us with an internet connection is adding over 160 pieces…

Venezuela: Epicentre of the Anti-Imperialist Left

Venezuela: Epicentre of the Anti-Imperialist Left

Who would have thought that, during the attempted coup d’état in Venezuela on January 23 and its immediate aftermath, Caracas would become, only five months later, the epicentre of the Latin American left? The XXV São Paulo Forum is planned for July 25–28 in the very Caracas that was supposed to be in the hands…

Defiant Resistance in Venezuela and the Possibility of Another World

Defiant Resistance in Venezuela and the Possibility of Another World

Bob Dylan once said, “Let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late.” February 23rd, 2019, was the day that Juan Guaidó, the self-proclaimed President of Venezuela, had “authorised” “humanitarian aid” to enter Venezuela, an attempt to force the Maduro government, and thus the Venezuelan people, to their knees. With this began an…

The Debate Over Inequality
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The Debate Over Inequality

The debate over inequality has become hotter world-wide. While Trump had introduced substantial tax cuts for the rich in 2017, and Britain’s Boris Johnson, the front-runner to succeed Teresa May, has promised to do the same if he becomes Prime Minister, there are strong proposals for taxing the rich which have also been mooted. Bernie…

On Honduras

On Honduras

Ten years ago today, we woke up to the startling news that Honduran president Manuel Zelaya had been removed from his home at gunpoint and still in pajamas, forced into exile across the border in Costa Rica, where I was living at the time. The night before, I had finished a report for the International…