AFRICOM: An Extension of U.S.-European Colonialism and Genocide
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AFRICOM: An Extension of U.S.-European Colonialism and Genocide

Report of a webinar hosted by the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP): “AFRICOM at 13: Building the Popular Movement for Demilitarization and Anti-Imperialism in Africa.” It featured voices from countries most affected by AFRICOM, including internationally-known activists for liberation.

Penetrating Curtains of Deceit: I.F. Stone’s ‘The Hidden History of the Korean War’
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Penetrating Curtains of Deceit: I.F. Stone’s ‘The Hidden History of the Korean War’

The eruption of full-scale war on the Korean Peninsula advanced U.S. geopolitical interests and those of its key Asian clients; it also provided the pretext for President Truman to quadruple the military budget and create a militarized economy and foreign policy that remain with us to this day.

The Anatomy of US Interventionism in Bolivia & Latin America
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The Anatomy of US Interventionism in Bolivia & Latin America

Interview with Juan Ramon Quintana, former Minister of the Presidency under Evo Morales, which is Bolivia’s equivalent to the role of a Prime Minister, and one of Evo’s closest confidants. We spoke about the nature of US intervention in Latin America and during the Bolivia coup.

Moral Injury and the Forever Wars: What Americans Don’t Want to Hear
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Moral Injury and the Forever Wars: What Americans Don’t Want to Hear

The author, a professor of global religions at Moravian University, examines the concept of moral injury, why so many veterans of America’s twenty-first-century forever wars have suffered from it, and why, for some, suicide has been the only solution.

Nepal’s People Resist U.S. Anti-China Alliance
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Nepal’s People Resist U.S. Anti-China Alliance

Continuous protests shook the length and breadth of mountainous Nepal in September as the U.S. pushed again to chain this Asian country of 28 million people to its anti-China alliance through the Millenium Challenge Compact (MCC).

Blinded by the Light: Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the Age of Normalized Violence
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Blinded by the Light: Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the Age of Normalized Violence

In an age when violence turns into a spectacle, mass shootings become normalized, and violence becomes the primary language of politics, it becomes all the more difficult and yet necessary to remember the horror and legacy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Robbing the Soil – Part 2: Systematic Theft of Communal Property
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Robbing the Soil – Part 2: Systematic Theft of Communal Property

The second part of this series discusses how in two great waves of social change, landlords and capitalist farmers conquered the field for capitalist agriculture, incorporated the soil into capital, and created for the urban industries the necessary supplies of free and rightless proletarians.