Open Letter to Australian MPs Re Horrendous US Alliance Lying, War Crimes and Regime Changing
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Open Letter to Australian MPs Re Horrendous US Alliance Lying, War Crimes and Regime Changing

Careful accounting reveals 85 instances of the US attempting to overthrow foreign governments since WW2 and that the US was successful in 50 instances, with craven US lackey Australia being involved in 8 of these regime changes.

From Yellow Journalism to China Bashing, the Media’s Enduring Role in Promoting War
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From Yellow Journalism to China Bashing, the Media’s Enduring Role in Promoting War

John Pilger recalls the ‘electric’ opposition of writers and journalists to the coming war in the 1930s and investigates why today there is ‘a silence filled by a consensus of propaganda’ as the two greatest powers draw closer to conflict.

Grasping Dependency and Under-Development as Structural, Not Simply a Product of Force
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Grasping Dependency and Under-Development as Structural, Not Simply a Product of Force

Book Review. Brazilian Marxist Ruy Mauro Marini argues that the roles of local bourgeoisies, Northern imperialism, as well as unequal exchange resulting from a subordinate position within a global division of labor, are indispensable to understanding the fate of Global South workers and in particular Latin American underdevelopment.

The Toxic Legacy of US Foreign Policy in Vieques, Puerto Rico
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The Toxic Legacy of US Foreign Policy in Vieques, Puerto Rico

After 200 years, the time has come to do away with the colonial law of the past that has plagued communities in Latin America and the Caribbean for far too long. It’s time for the abolition of the Monroe Doctrine, the Jones Act, and the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act.